Processed Meat: – Processed meats, laden with sodium, nitrates, and additives, can promote inflammation and oxidative stress, potentially encouraging tumor growth.

Alcohol: – Interacts with neurofibromatosis medications, increasing the risk of complications such as liver damage and bleeding problems.

Caffeine: – Can exacerbate nerve-related problems and interfere with neurofibromatosis medications, leading to anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.

Artificial Sweeteners: – Aspartame and acesulfame-K, found in various processed foods, are linked to an increased risk of cancer, posing a concern for neurofibromatosis patients.

Trans Fats: – Found in baked goods and fried delicacies, trans fats elevate "bad" cholesterol, promoting inflammation and oxidative stress, potentially leading to cancer progression.

Refined Carbohydrates: – Swiftly raise blood sugar levels, contributing to insulin resistance, weight gain, and potential tumor growth by providing cancer cells with glucose.

Gluten: – Can trigger digestive problems, skin issues, joint pain, and fatigue, especially for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, complicating neurofibromatosis management.